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September to End of December Singles Ladder
REGISTRATION CLOSES 7.00pm on the 31 August
The new ladder registration is now open. We are asking ALL members to register for the new ladder session even if you are already playing in the current ladder.
Note: Booking confirmations are sent from the email highgatecltc@clubsolution.co.uk. If you do not see a confirmation email after booking please do the following first before contacting us:
- Check your email/spam junk folder
- Check the Drop Ins & Daily Camps Tab. If registered the booking will be shown there.
If not please contact info@highgate-tennis.co.uk
If you are in the current ladder session then please ensure that you have played 3 matches to be considered for the next ladder session. The current ladder session will end at 10.00pm on Saturday, 31st August.
Any other questions regarding the ladder should be directed to: highgateladder@gmail.com.